Sunday, May 13, 2012

Todos Santos Photos

I'm back from Todos Santos, and have posted my photos (along with some descriptions of the photos) here on Flikr. I've also pasted a few of these photos below; click on the photos to get a full-size view, if you like. I also wrote about my Mexican vacation on this blog here, here, and here.

The sleepy little town of Todos Santos, Baja California Sur.

Looking from (near) the Cerritos beach toward the mountains.

This was an inadvertent photo.  I couldn't figure out the timer on my camera, so this photo was an accident.  Still, I look pretty damn cool, right?  Oh yeah.

When traveling solo, one must make self-portraits, often in a car window's reflection.

I like the soft colors and lines in this photo.  This is from the beach nearest to Todos Santos; I was one of two people on the beach at the time (sunset).

Me, surfing.

Me and Mario, my surfing guru

Pichilingue beach

Pichilingue beach, near La Paz

1 comment:

  1. Hi David-
    My name is Amy and I'm with Dwellable. We are a vacation home search app and site, focused on big beautiful photos, no ads, and quality design.
    I was looking for posts about Todos Santos to share on our site when I came across your blog...If you're open to it, please shoot me an email at amy(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
