Saturday, June 6, 2015

Made it back

Jenny and I were a bit nervous about whether we'd have trouble coming back through U.S. immigration. We were both completely honest - we said on customs forms that we had been to Cuba. Neither of us had any problem getting through. They didn't ask any questions at all.

Leaving the Havana airport was a different story. Just as we had been questioned coming into the country, we were questioned going out (well, I was questioned on behalf of Jenny and me, which she took offense to). Where did we go? What addresses? You had three electronic devices when you entered the country... Do you still have them? Show me. Did you interview anybody?

I was wearing a Piggly Wiggly tshirt, so the last question was "what is piggly wiggly," with a smile.

The woman was just doing her job. She was very pleasant.

We had a bit of culture shock in Mexico. From the airport we took a new taxi, passed by a Vips and Walmart, and stayed at a very nice B and B (same one we stayed at a year ago). Mexico city's level of development is much higher than Havana's. It was very noticeable.

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